Frequently Asked Questions for Flex Tech Consultants
Do existing FlexTech Consultants have to re-apply to RFP 3628 and provide all supporting documentation?
Yes, all current FlexTech Consultants will have to re-apply to RFP 3628 before their FlexTech agreement expires (ideally at least two months before contract expiration). All applicants will have to meet the new qualification criteria in order to be issued a new FlexTech agreement. Existing FlexTech consultants are not grandfathered into new agreements.
What is NYSERDA's definition of clean energy? Does it encompass more than just renewables?
The RFP refers to clean energy in the broadest possible terms to include energy efficiency, energy conservation, carbon mitigation, and renewables.
How should the “Combined Staff Experience” requirement be demonstrated?
The RFP does not prescribe how this should be done and each proposer can determine how to best describe the combined experience of their staff. NYSERDA reserves the right to determine which experience is relevant and the associated number of years based on documentation submitted.
What documentation is required to support the "PE on staff" requirement?
A Professional Engineer (PE) License must be submitted for at least one staff member.
The FlexTech Consultant Application Form (Attachment D) asks whether the primary contact listed on the application is certified as a Professional Engineer (PE). Is this a requirement of the RFP?
The primary contact listed on the application form will be the main point of contact throughout the duration of the FlexTech Agreement. This point person does not have to be a Licensed PE, and neither does the secondary contact (if listed on the application form). However, a member of the staff must hold this certification for the firm to meet the RFP requirements.
Can the case studies highlight projects that are more than 2 years old?
The RFP does not put a date limit on the case studies
Can a case study be submitted for the same project that is highlighted in the final report?
The RFP does not preclude this.
Can case studies highlight new construction projects as well as projects in existing buildings?
FlexTech Consultants typically participate in NYSERDA programs that are geared towards existing buildings. The focus should be on technical assistance, not design.
Do case studies have to be submitted to demonstrate sector-specific expertise (if sector-specific expertise is checked off on Attachment B -Areas of Expertise Checklist)?
If sector-specific experience is checked on the Areas of Expertise Checklist (Attachment B), the proposer must provide evidence to support sector-specific expertise through the case studies or final report, as appropriate, and/or through the proposal narrative. The goal of the RFP is to give proposers a chance to clearly demonstrate their capabilities to date. Capabilities that are well documented and proven out will be posted on the NYSERDA FlexTech Consultant webpage; others will not.
Will a consultant be barred from submitting projects in a particular area of expertise if that category is not checked off on Attachment B (Areas of Expertise Checklist) during proposal submission?
If an area of expertise is not checked, the proposer might still be allowed to submit work in that category; however, NYSERDA reserves the right to request additional information to support the proposer’s competency in performing that type of work and will have final say as to whether the project can be supported through NYSERDA’s programs. Note: Consultants have an opportunity to update their Areas of Expertise on a yearly basis, through the annual performance process (new areas of expertise can be added as a consultant’s experience evolves over time; for more information on the performance requirements, visit
Can the same case study be submitted to demonstrate expertise in more than one area of expertise (per Attachment B – Areas of Expertise Checklist)?
If a case study is used to demonstrate experience in more than one area of expertise, it is expected that the case study will be correspondingly detailed and thorough, and provide enough information to support expertise is each area of expertise indicated. The case study should clearly state which areas of expertise it covers and show how the proposer’s expertise was used.
For the "High Performance Buildings" category on the Areas of Expertise Checklist (Attachment B), do case studies have to be based on projects that actually achieved net zero status or projects that were actually LEED certified? Case studies should demonstrate the measures and strategies that were proposed as part of a net-zero or LEED project. If the projects weren't implemented or certified, the case study should then demonstrate successful engagement of the customer in the clean energy activity (i.e. how the customer was engaged, what their goals were, and why they decided not to proceed with implementation).
If the sample final report submitted as part of the proposal was performed under the FlexTech program, is it necessary to also submit the associated scope of work and budget for the project?
No; if that is the case, please provide the FlexTech project number (e.g FTXXXXX) or the Purchase Order number so that NYSERDA may locate the project in our database.
Are actual letters of references required, or can this requirement be satisfied by providing a phone or email reference?
References must be in the form of 2 letters or emails from customers that have worked with your firm. This correspondence should be written and signed by the customer.
What other types of expertise are included in the "Other Technical Support" category in the Areas of Expertise checklist?
This can include, but is not limited to, program design assistance and research, analysis of performance standards for equipment or appliances; technical review and implementation assistance, assessing energy code, energy code compliance, and above-code opportunities; and other non-customer-specific analyses. Additional support activities include assisting in the development of new programs, technical manuals, papers, and seminars.
Will the proposal and/or any materials in the proposals (e.g. case studies, reports, personnel resumes, etc.) be accessible by the general public after submission?
Any information submitted to NYSERDA is subject to and treated in accordance with the NYS Freedom of Information Law (“FOIL,” Public Officers Law, Article 6). For more information on this topic, see Public Officers Law, Section 89(5) and the procedures set forth in 21 NYCRR Part 501. You may also refer to Section 6 (Proprietary Information) of Exhibit C (Standard Terms and Conditions for all NYSERDA Agreements) of RFP Attachment F (NYSERDA Sample Agreement for FlexTech Consultants), located on page 47.