Residential Market Advisory Group
The Residential Market Advisory Group’s mission is to bring together residential market actors to envision the next generation of residential clean energy solutions and to facilitate deployment of strategies that stimulate market growth, deliver customer value, and enable achievement of New York State’s energy policy goals.
It provides a forum for the residential market that advances collaboration among stakeholders and enables the market to provide input to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. The RMAG addresses topics related to residential energy efficiency and clean energy markets activities for 1–4-unit existing homes. The RMAG identifies, organizes, and develops collective ideas and serves as a vehicle for stakeholder group views and recommendations regarding efficiency solutions to be shared among members and help guide the implementation of strategies supporting New York State’s energy policy goals.
NYSERDA will provide periodic updates on issues relevant to the Residential Market Advisory Group to anyone who elects to subscribe to the email list . If you’d like to receive these updates, email [email protected]. In person and virtual meeting events will be hosted by NYSERDA on a quarterly basis, or as needed.
Advisory Group Objectives
- Maintain market awareness of public policies driving investments in energy efficiency and clean energy in the residential market.
- Share information on current and planned activities to enable coordination and avoid unproductive duplication of efforts in advancing progress towards policy and industry objectives.
- Discuss opportunities and challenges associated with wide-scale deployment of energy efficiency and clean energy services for the residential sector and seek solutions to overcome market barriers.
- Help guide the direction of the market’s existing and future clean energy solutions.
- Make connections and develop collaborations among participants and partners to meet mutual objectives.
- Develop and coordinate shared messaging and outreach strategies where appropriate.
Participation in the Residential Market Advisory Group is open to all parties with business interests aligned with enabling and providing energy efficiency and clean energy solutions to this market segment, including, but not limited to: residential building contractors; residential energy-related product manufacturers, distributors, service providers, and software developers; insurers; realtors, appraisers, inspectors; financiers and mortgage lenders; policy and advocacy groups; trade associations, standards organizations, trainers, and credentialing bodies; utilities and other energy providers; researchers and consultants; and government entities.
While ad hoc sub-committees, working groups, and workshops may be formed from time to time to enable targeted work efforts, Advisory Group activities are open to all interested parties. Participation in the Advisory Group is voluntary.
To join the mailing list for information about the Residential Market Advisory Group and to be notified of upcoming meetings, contact [email protected].
Upcoming Meetings & Webinars
Quarter 3 2024 RMAG Meeting
Stay tuned for the upcoming in-person RMAG Quarterly Meeting. Details to follow shortly.
Prior Meeting Materials
June 26, 2024
March 6, 2024
December 6, 2023: IRA Public Webinar
October 11, 2023
June 28, 2023
March 15, 2023
March 23, 2022
November 2021
August 19, 2021
- Membership Showcase with presentations by Copper Labs and HubControls.
- Presentation Slides [PDF]
June 23, 2021
March 10, 2021
October 2-16, 2020
- Executive Summary [PDF]
- Detailed Summary [PDF]
- Opening Webinar: Kicks off the Fall 2020 meeting and webinar series with a review of the NY Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) and the current state of the NY residential energy market. Topics also included NYSERDA updates and opportunities partnering with the Joint Utilities of New York.
- Working Group Session 1: How to Normalize the Use of Heat Pumps: This work group focused on strategies for increasing residential use of heat pumps.
- Working Group Session 2: Ramping Up to Meet our Clean Energy Goals: This work group focused on next steps for the CCLPA and working together to meet NY clean energy goals.
- Working Group Session 3: Building Back Stronger: The “New Normal” Residential Market: This work group focused on building back stronger as we navigate towards a new normal in the COVID world.
- Closing Webinar: The Closing Webinar included report-outs from the three working groups, an exercise to identify the highest priority action items and presentations about some efforts already underway.
May 21, 2020
June 17, 2019
Working Groups
Inflation Reduction Act Working Groups
The Inflation Reduction Act Working Groups include community and contractor groups to explore values and interests related to IRA program design that will enable broad uptake of clean energy and energy efficiency technologies and facilitate the flow of benefits from these clean energy investments to Disadvantaged Communities. For more information, contact [email protected].
Residential Contractor Working Group
The Residential Contractor Working Group convenes monthly and advises and provides feedback on a number of topics related to residential contractors. To join this group, email [email protected]. As needed, additional and larger meetings will be held on specific topics and notes are listed below.
Residential Quality Assurance Root Cause Analysis Expert Panel
The purpose for the Residential Quality Assurance Root Cause Analysis Expert Panel is to support advancement of New York’s clean energy and residential market energy efficiency goals through process improvements for NYSERDA residential programs. This Expert Panel will complete Root Cause Analyses on the most common residential program nonconformances that the NYSERDA Quality Assurance team identifies. The group will be trained and initiate this analysis using NYSERDA’s adopted “5 Why’s” Root Cause Analysis approach, leveraging their expertise to help improve residential programming. Anticipated outcomes are to:
- Use Root Cause Analysis to identify the barriers to improving conformance
- Identify best practices that address the root cause of nonconformances
- Identify ways to share best practices with program participants
- Develop and share education and training materials
For more information, contact [email protected].
Stacked Efficiency and Electrification Program Framework
The Stacked Energy Efficiency Program Framework Working Group was comprised of a variety of residential stakeholders and convened from 2021 through 2023. Its purpose was to develop a framework for a pilot program of demonstration projects showcasing stacked energy efficiency, clean energy, and renewable energy for 1-4 unit existing homes. The collective efforts of the Working Group resulted in the framework linked below. This framework is being made available to any entity that wants to stand up an stacked efficiency and electrification program in their area. For more information, email [email protected].
The Conflicts and Confidentiality Policy was developed for NYSERDA Advisory Boards. All Residential Market Advisory Group members must read it and comply with its terms.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, contact [email protected]