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How to Participate in Climate Week NYC 2023

Engage with Leaders and Organizations Driving Climate Action

Climate Week NYC will run September 17-24, 2023, marking the 15th year of the annual summit in New York City that brings together sustainability leaders from government, business, academia, and civil society from around the world.

This year, the Climate Week theme is “We Can, We Will,” which underscores that we have solutions available, such as renewable energy, to act on the climate crisis. At the same time, it emphasizes the urgent need to implement these solutions to rapidly transition to a clean energy future and continue reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

History of Climate Week NYC

Organized by The Climate Group, Climate Week NYC Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. has taken place every year in New York City since 2009. It’s scheduled to align with when the United Nations General Assembly is in session to encourage global participation and collaboration on climate action.

Each year, Climate Week NYC is organized around a central theme. In 2022, the theme was “Getting It Done”, which elevated the importance of turning commitments into tangible action.

Ways to Participate in Climate Week NYC

There are many ways to get involved in Climate Week NYC 2023, whether partaking in events and panels or making sustainable changes in your daily life, home, business, or community.

Attend a Climate Week Event

Climate Week will feature over 400 events – both in-person and virtual – covering topics like energy, environmental justice, food systems, and other aspects of sustainability. Events and activities range from panel discussions to exhibitions and documentary screenings, providing a variety of options to participate and connect. Many events are open to the public to attend in-person or virtually.

Interested participants can browse events by date, format, and topic area. Registration in advance is recommended.

View Climate Week Events

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

This year’s Climate Week theme, “We Can, We Will,” also serves as inspiration for making changes in our own lives to combat the climate crisis.

Understanding your carbon footprint – the sum of all the greenhouse gas emissions from your daily activities and consumption – can help identify opportunities for reducing your environmental impact. On the individual or household level, home energy use, transportation, and waste are typically the primary sources for greenhouse gas emissions.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Household Carbon Footprint Calculator can provide an estimate of your household carbon footprint, including a breakdown by source and comparison to the U.S. average. Furthermore, it outlines the impact of taking actions, like washing clothes in cold water or powering your home with renewable energy, on reducing your carbon footprint.

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

Get an Energy Assessment

Home energy consumption, from space heating to powering electric devices and appliances, often accounts for a significant share of one’s carbon footprint. Statewide, buildings are the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for nearly one-third of New York’s total.

Completing a no-cost home energy assessment can provide a comprehensive look at where your home is using the most energy and identify issues like leaky air ducts or poor insulation. The energy auditor will also provide a report with tailored solutions to making your home more energy efficient and comfortable.

Incentives and support are also available for nonprofits and businesses to complete an energy assessment and inform cost-effective investments to save energy and money.

Electrify Your Life

Moving away from fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas, to energy sources that produce low levels of greenhouse gas emissions, like wind and solar, is essential to combat climate change. Making the switch to an electric vehicle (EV) and all-electric heating equipment in your home or business represent two of the greatest opportunities to cut out the use of fossil fuels and tap into clean energy.

New Yorkers can save up to $4,000 on a used EV with IRA tax credits. 

IRA for Vehicles

Between Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) tax credits and New York State incentives, New Yorkers can save on a variety of clean energy equipment and efficiency upgrades to go electric. Combined, IRA tax credits and the Drive Clean Rebate can reduce the cost of new EVS by up to $9,500. Electric, cold-climate heat pumps Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. are also eligible for both IRA and New York State incentives.

Forthcoming IRA rebates will provide discounts on efficient electric equipment, including clothes dryers and induction cooktops, helping create cleaner, safer homes.

More on Climate Action

Continue reading about New York’s plans for combatting the climate crisis and opportunities for taking climate action in your own life.

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