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Conversion of Fixed REC Agreements to Index REC Pricing Structure


In 2021, NYSERDA solicited interest from existing eligible RPS and RES Sellers (REC Counterparties) whose projects had not yet commenced commercial operation as of August 10, 2020.  These REC Counterparties could participate in a conversion process to voluntarily modify their existing Tier 1 Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) agreements from a fixed as-bid REC price (Fixed REC) to a variable-priced Index REC pricing structure. This voluntary conversion was a one-time process and will not be re-offered in the future.

As directed by the Public Service Commission’s November 20, 2020 Order Authorizing Voluntary Modification of Certain Tier 1 Agreements, NYSERDA issued Request for Interest (RFI) RESVCO2021, “Voluntary Conversion of Eligible New York Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) or Renewable Energy Standard (RES) Agreements,”  including Appendices 1 and 2.

Any questions may be referred to [email protected]

Request for Interest RESVCO2021