For the purposes of NYSERDA’s workforce development and training solicitations, the following terms apply:
Apprenticeship is defined as an employer-driven, occupational training model. Apprenticeship programs provide on-the-job training from an experienced mentor and related classroom instruction on the technical and academic aspects of a job. The training is rooted in industry skill standards and competencies and is typically registered by the New York State Department of Labor. Apprenticeship programs help companies successfully recruit, develop and retain a highly skilled workforce for the jobs they need filled.
Certification refers to a voluntary system of standards usually set by key stakeholders and subject matter experts that practitioners can choose to meet in order to demonstrate accomplishment or ability in their profession.
Community-Based Organization refers to a public or private organization aimed at making desired improvements to a community's social health, well-being, and overall functioning, and represents a community or significant segments of a community; and provides services to individuals in the community, based on input from community members.
Disadvantaged Communities shall include those individuals who meet the criteria established to identify a disadvantaged community adopted by the Climate Justice Working Group under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. The criteria identify individuals based on a geographic component or an income component. An interactive map identifies areas through the State that meet these criteria.
Hands-on experience, also known as experiential learning, refers to knowledge or skills acquired through direct or personal interaction with subject matter experts, such as industry employees, coaches and mentors. Hands-on experience may be acquired through on-the-job training, classroom or online training, technical training, soft-skills training, or a combination thereof.
Internships are paid, professional, structured learning experiences that offer meaningful practical work related to a student’s field of study or career interest. Internships allow students to obtain real-world experience in the workplace to prepare them for entry into the job market. Internships may include a combination of hands-on experience, on-the-job and/or technical training.
Job placement assistance refers to services provided by Training Providers and recruiters to help individuals find work. Examples of job placement services include career coaching, resume writing, mock interviews, vocational counseling, and job or internship placement as a result of strategic partnerships with employers.
On-the-Job Training (OJT) is a form of training provided at the workplace during which trainees/employees are introduced to their work environment and acquire the skills they need to perform their work on the job. OJT may include the development of professional/”soft” skills such as communication, leadership, or team management or “hard” skills using machinery, equipment, tools, and other materials (“technical training”).
Pre-apprenticeship is a program or set of services designed to prepare individuals to enter and succeed in an apprenticeship program. By definition, a pre-apprenticeship program has a documented partnership with at least one apprenticeship program. Quality pre-apprenticeship programs are a starting point toward a successful career path for under-represented job seekers (such as disadvantaged women and men, individuals with disabilities, and others) who may not be aware of this approach to obtain good jobs with opportunities for advancement. Pre-apprenticeships help individuals meet the entry requirements for apprenticeship programs and ensure they are prepared to be successful in their apprenticeship.
Priority populations include:
- Veterans;
- Individuals with disabilities;
- Low-income individuals, whose household’s total income is below or at 60% of the State Median Income, or whose household has been determined eligible for or is receiving assistance through the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or other human service benefit programs;
- Incumbent or unemployed fossil fuel workers;
- Previously incarcerated individuals;
- 16- to 24-year-olds who are enrolled in or have completed a comprehensive work preparedness training program such as those offered by Boards of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES), technical high schools, Conservation Corps, YouthBuild, and AmeriCorps. The training program must include a combination of rigorous clean energy education with hands-on technical training. Eligibility of work preparedness programs under this category will be considered on a case-by-case basis.;
- Homeless individuals;
- Single parents.
Technical training refers to the delivery of competency-based, hard-skilled training courses to meet critical energy efficiency and clean technology industry needs.
Training providers include technical high schools, community colleges, universities, trade associations, manufacturers, vendors, suppliers, distributors, unions, training and job placement intermediaries, community-based organizations and non-for-profit organizations with a demonstrated track record in energy-related training, job preparedness and/or placement.
Workers include those individuals who design, manufacture, specify, sell, distribute, install, operate, maintain, repair, and inspect energy efficiency and clean technologies and systems.
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