Centralized Platform Will Expand Access to Clean Energy Data and Support New Innovative Business Models That Deliver Benefits to New York Energy Customers

October 31, 2022

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) today announced the selection of a team led by E Source Companies, LLC (E Source) to design, build, and operate the State’s Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) platform. This statewide centralized platform will expand access to clean energy data from New York’s electric, gas, and steam utilities – and other sources – and support new innovative business models that deliver benefits to New York energy customers. The creation of the IEDR platform will accelerate the deployment of clean energy solutions and supports New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act) goal for 70 percent of the state’s electricity to come from renewable resources by 2030.

Doreen M. Harris, President and CEO of NYSERDA, “Effective access to useful energy data will play a critical role in the New York’s clean energy transition by helping to inform investment decisions, identify operational inefficiencies, and promote innovation. The addition of a development team is an important next step in getting the IEDR platform up and running, and NYSERDA is looking forward to working with E Source and its partners to design, build, and operate this innovative platform.”

The IEDR platform will be implemented in two phases. Phase One will enable at least five of the highest priority use cases, which were identified and characterized in collaboration with stakeholders, with as many as 10 or more achieved by the fourth quarter of 2023. Phase Two will expand the platform and enable approximately 40 additional use cases, building on the successful implementation and operation of Phase One, and will be completed by the end of July 2026.

Rory M. Christian, CEO of the Department of Public Service (DPS) said, "The energy data resource we are building is critical to helping achieve the State’s energy policy goals, as well as ensuring customer privacy and maintaining cyber-security. Integrating energy customer data and energy system data will unlock smart deployment of distributed resources, new business models, innovation and utility operational efficiencies, required for the creation of an energy system that is responsive to the needs of our clean-energy economy.”

As part of implementing the platform, the Solution Architect and Development Team (Development Team), led by E Source, will also include UtilityAPI, Flux Tailor, TRC Companies, and HumanLogic, and will be responsible for designing, building, and operating the IEDR platform in a cost efficient and expeditious manner. The Development Team will leverage E Source’s OneInform Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. and UtilityAPI’s Green Button Connect offerings to enable the data access, governance, querying, analysis, and consent processes that will be required to deliver the full benefit of stakeholder submitted use cases. Flux Tailor, TRC Companies, and HumanLogic will support the program by providing a mix of stakeholder engagement and training, use case assessment, development and documentation, and user interface and user experience design. Flux Tailor and HumanLogic are both women-owned business enterprises.

The Development team will:

  • Utilize data and data products to expand opportunities for new technologies, approaches, and business models to address existing and foreseeable grid challenges.
  • Present data that will assist buyers and sellers of clean energy products and services to identify opportunities and make connections while protecting the privacy rights of consumers.
  • Streamline access to energy related data and expand available options for utility customers to share and utilize their data in beneficial ways.

“E Source is thrilled to have earned this opportunity to help New York achieve its nation-leading clean energy vision. We’re obsessed with making data useful for our clients across the US and Canada," says Adam Stotz, CTO at E Source. “This project is especially meaningful to me as a Buffalo resident; graduate of the SUNY system along with our CEO, Ted Schultz; participant in NYSERDA’s and Launch NY’s Emerging Cleantech Opportunity Incubator; and part of the growing ecosystem of cleantech companies in the area.“

The IEDR platform will help to reduce historical barriers to data access for New Yorkers living in disadvantaged communities (DACs), assist solution providers in delivering services to DACs, and improve government and utility program delivery in these communities. Potential benefits to DACs will be included in IEDR use-case prioritization criteria, and local governments, low-to-moderate income and environmental justice community organizations, and non-governmental organizations will be consulted throughout the IEDR stakeholder engagement process to ensure prioritized use cases across Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the program bring direct benefits to DACs.

NYSERDA will coordinate with other state agencies that will also have a role in implementing the IEDR platform, including DPS, the New York Power Authority (NYPA), Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), the New York Independent System Operator, Inc. (NYISO), and the New York State investor-owned electric and gas utilities (IOUs).

New York State's Nation-Leading Climate Plan

New York State's nation-leading climate agenda is the most aggressive climate and clean energy initiative in the nation, calling for an orderly and just transition to clean energy that creates jobs and continues fostering a green economy as New York State recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Enshrined into law through the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, New York is on a path to achieve its mandated goal of a zero-emission electricity sector by 2040, including 70 percent renewable energy generation by 2030, and to reach economy wide carbon neutrality. It builds on New York's unprecedented investments to ramp-up clean energy including over $35 billion in 120 large-scale renewable and transmission projects across the state, $6.8 billion to reduce buildings emissions, $1.8 billion to scale up solar, more than $1 billion for clean transportation initiatives and over $1.6 billion in NY Green Bank commitments. Combined, these investments are supporting nearly 158,000 jobs in New York's clean energy sector in 2020, a 2,100 percent growth in the distributed solar sector since 2011 and a commitment to develop 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035. Under the Climate Act, New York will build on this progress and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent from 1990 levels by 2050, while ensuring that at least 35 percent with a goal of 40 percent of the benefits of clean energy investments are directed to disadvantaged communities and advance progress towards the state's 2025 energy efficiency target of reducing on-site energy consumption by 185 trillion BTUs of end-use energy savings.