Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Program
New York is transforming its energy system into one that is cleaner, more resilient, and more affordable. Effective access to useful energy data will play a critical role in this transformation to inform investment decisions, identify operational inefficiencies, monitor the effectiveness of policy objectives, promote innovation, and encourage new business models.
In support of New York State’s goal of being a global climate leader, we’ve officially launched the Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Program, which will guide the development of the IEDR platform. This statewide centralized platform will allow effective access to useful energy data and information from New York’s electric, gas, and steam utilities – and other sources – to support new and innovative clean energy business models that deliver benefits to New York energy customers.
This page is a resource to engage with the community, share progress, and provide a forum for input and feedback. Open dialogue is critical to capturing the full value of insights from the community of potential users and ensuring the IEDR is a repository and source of useful, reliable, and accurate information.
Visit our ‘Get Involved’ page for upcoming IEDR events and opportunities to participate in key IEDR activities!
Milestones Schedule
The IEDR has an aggressive timeline to achieve over the next several years.
Use Case Development
Use cases will drive how the IEDR functionality will be determined.
Meetings and Events
Learn about upcoming events, find meeting summaries and supportive documents.
Program Participants
Find out how all the stakeholders of the IEDR development process are involved.
Stay Informed
Join the IEDR mailing list for the latest news, upcoming events, and ways to get involved.
IEDR Resources
Find all relevant IEDR documents, and key reporting.
Latest Announcements and Updates
The Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Program now has a dedicated playlist
on NYSERDA’s YouTube channel
The IEDR YouTube playlist contains informative videos such as demos of IEDR tools and recordings of IEDR Program public meetings. As Phase 2 of the program progresses, more videos, including demos of new IEDR functionality will be added to this playlist. We encourage you to explore the IEDR playlist on NYSERDA’s YouTube channel and share our videos on your social media networks.
Have you had a chance to utilize the IEDR platform?
If so, are you interested in providing platform feedback, proposing ideas, or suggesting new use cases to the IEDR Development Team?
The Program Development Team has launched the IEDR ideas portal so users of the IEDR platform can submit feedback, ideas, and suggest new use cases related to IEDR platform development directly to the Program Development Team.
It would be great to hear from you!
You can access the IEDR ideas portal here
Previous Announcements:
General Stake Holder Event
You’re invited to our General Stakeholder Event!
NYSERDA continues to develop the centralized state-wide IEDR platform to provide access to useful energy data and information from New York’s electric, gas, and steam utilities, and other sources. The platform aims to support new and innovative clean energy business models that serve to benefit New York energy customers. To close out Phase 1 of the program, NYSERDA released the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of the IEDR in March 2024, which builds upon the IPV (Initial Public Version) of the IEDR (released in March 2023).
In order to maximize public engagement during Phase 2 of the program, general stakeholder events (GSEs) will continue taking place to collect input and feedback for the development of the IEDR platform. The first GSE of 2024 will be held on May 17th from 10:30 – 11:30am ET to discuss IEDR Program updates, conduct a demo of the platform’s newest tools and features, and address questions from the public. Please find the event details below and sign up here for the NYSERDA mailing list to stay up to date on upcoming events.
Minimum Viable Product Launch
The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the IEDR platform has launched!
NYSERDA’s Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Program Team is excited to announce the launch of the IEDR Minimum Viable Product (MVP)!
The MVP is the second major public release of the IEDR platform. In addition to the three initial use cases covered in the Initial Public Version (IPV) release, the MVP release consists of five new foundational use cases, for a total of eight specifically targeted, but highly prioritized use cases that are now operational within the IEDR.
Changes to the MVP Scope
As the IEDR Program continues to make significant progress towards Phase 1 program goals and the release of the IEDR MVP (Minimum Viable Product), we’d like to take this opportunity to inform our stakeholders that changes to the MVP use case development scope have occurred. Click here to read a full description of the changes to the MVP scope [PDF].
The Initial Public Version of the IEDR Platform
The Initial Public Version (IPV) of the IEDR Platform has been launched!
The Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Team is excited to announce the launch of the Initial Public Version (IPV) of the IEDR Platform that went live on March 31, 2023.
Background | Program Development
The IPV is the first major release of the platform to the public and demonstrates the functionality of three highly prioritized use cases. The foundational nature of these use cases will support the rest of Phase 1 and ensure Phase 2 will achieve the program’s most critical goals.
Development of the next iteration of the platform is currently underway. At minimum, an additional 2 – 7 use cases will be enabled in the release of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in Q4 2023. Phase 1 will conclude with the release of the MVP.
Background | Stakeholder Engagement
To effectively order and implement stakeholder submissions which assisted with the selection of IPV use cases, the program team created a use case prioritization framework. This framework assessed use cases based on both impact (the extent to which a use case enabled New York’s Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act (CLCPA) goals) and feasibility (the degree to which a use case can be easily implemented). Additionally, the program team completed discovery and deep-dive stakeholder meetings with future IEDR end users and the Utility Coordination Group (UCG). Robust stakeholder engagement will continue throughout both Phase 1 and Phase 2 to ensure that a diverse range of feedback is incorporated into the planning of future releases.
IEDR Tool and Dashboard Material:
- Utilize the IPV Tool here
- Review the use cases and their summaries included in the IPV here
- Access a visual overview of our Phase 1 progress roadmap here
Thank You!
Thank you to all stakeholders and those who submitted use cases; these submissions have helped us create the foundation for a powerful and accessible data platform as showcased in this first launch.
We look forward to the launch of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that will include incremental releases and at least 2 – 7 additional use case in its release in Q4 2023 to conclude Phase 1.
The IEDR Program Team is actively preparing for Phase 2 with the development of a high-level roadmap detailing use case releases and a general sequencing of data acquisition. This roadmap will include all prioritized use cases that were agreed upon for IEDR scope but were not included in Phase 1. The program team looks forward to continuing engagement with the stakeholder community. Please email us directly at [email protected] with any questions.