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Membership Information


When you join Clean Green Campuses, our staff will help you determine the membership level that best suits your institution. Regardless of your membership level, you will have full access to all benefits of Clean Green Campuses and all NYSERDA programs, resources, and events. Membership levels help to ensure that you can easily network and collaborate with institutions who are engaged in similar projects and facing similar challenges. View the complete list of Clean Green Campus members.

REV Campus Challenge Participant


These institutions have a strong desire to jump-start their institution’s commitment and ability to implement clean energy projects. These institutions have planned or made early progress with identifying energy efficiency and clean energy opportunities.

REV Campus Challenge Achiever


These institutions have established a formal commitment to carbon reduction and completed some clean energy projects. These institutions have dedicated staff to focus on clean energy investments and achieving institutional carbon reduction goals.  

REV Campus Challenge Leader


These institutions have set ambitious carbon reduction goals and are on the path to achieving them through comprehensive campus clean energy investments, and staff dedicated to advancing clean energy and low-carbon solutions across their campuses and communities.   


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