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Filings, Orders, and Reports


The Clean Energy Standard filings, orders, and reports published by Department of Public Service (DPS)Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. provide the most in-depth description of the Clean Energy Standard and related regulation.

Additional filings, orders and reports for are also available for the following programs and found at respective sites:

For CES Annual Financial Reports, visit the DPS websiteLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.


Date Title Type
2024-07-22 Order Approving Phase 6 Implementation Plan [PDF] Order
2024-02-20 Phase 6 Implementation Plan Modification of Backstop Collection Process [PDF] Plan
2024-07-08 CES Biennial Review [PDF] Report
2024-01-31 Clean Energy Standard Annual Progress Report: 2022 Compliance Year [PDF] Report
2023-12-18 Order Approving 2024 Clean Energy Standard Administrative Budget [PDF] Order
2023-11-20 Order Addressing Capacity Accreditation Rules [PDF] Order
2023-10-12 Order Denying Petitions Seeking to Amend Contracts with Renewable Energy Projects[PDF] Order
2023-08-30 Phase 5 Implementation Plan [PDF] Plan
2023-08-28 NYSERDA Comments Petitions [PDF] Comments
2023-07-31 NYSERDA Petition Regarding CES Administration Funding [PDF]
2023-06-29 Petition Regarding Adjustment to Index REC and Index OREC Formulas for New Capacity Accreditation Rules [PDF] Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. Petition
2023-06-23 Order Approving Financial Backstop Collection Mechanism [PDF] Order
2023-04-20 Order Modifying Clean Energy Standard Tier 1 Obligations Order
2023-4-1 Clean Energy Resource Development and Incentives: The Build-Ready Program Annual Progress Report 2022 [PDF] Report
2023-1-31 Clean Energy Standard Annual Progress Report: 2021 Compliance Year [PDF] Report
2022-12-23 Clean Energy Standard Petition Revised Budget [PDF] Filing
2022-11-09 Petition Regarding Modification of the Clean Energy Standard to Transition from a Defined Percentage Obligation to a Load Share Obligation [PDF] Petition
2022-07-29 NYSERDA Petition Regarding CES Administration Funding [PDF] Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. Petition
2022-04-01 Clean Energy Resource Development and Incentives: The Build Ready Program Annual Progress Report 2021 [PDF] Report
2022-03-16 Order Modifying CES LSE Obligations and Establishing 2024 Obligation [PDF] Order
2022-01-31 Renewable Energy Standard 2022 Alternative Compliance Payment (ACP) Prices Filing [PDF] Filing
2022-12-15 Order Approving 2023 Clean Energy Standard Administrative Budget [PDF] Order
2022-01-01 Clean Energy Standard Annual Progress Report: 2020 Compliance Year [PDF] Report
2021-12-16 Order Approving 2022 Clean Energy Standard Administrative Budget [PDF] Order
2021-11-29 2021 Divergence Test [PDF] Filing
2021-10-29 NYSERDA Host Community Benefit Compliance Filing [PDF] Filing
2021-10-09 Tier 2 Re-Sale Final Implementation Plan [PDF] Plan
2021-09-09 Order Approving Competitive Tier 2 Re-Sale Implementation Plan [PDF] Order
2021-07-30 Petition Regarding Proposed Year 2022 Clean Energy Standard Funding And Reconciliation Of Year 2020 Of Administrative Costs [PDF] Petition
2021-05-14 CES Order Letter 5-14-2021 (Repowering) [PDF]Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. Comments
2021-05-01 Tier 2 Resale Implementation Plan Proposal [PDF] Plan
2021-04-01 Clean Energy Resource Development and Incentives: The Build Ready Program Annual Progress Report 2020 [PDF] Report
2021-02-11 Host Community Benefit Order [PDF] Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. Order
2021-01-19 NYSERDA's Comments on the Utility Study in Case 20-E-0197 [PDF] Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. Comments
2021-01-01 Clean Energy Standard Annual Progress Report: 2019 Compliance Year [PDF] Report
2020-11-20 Order Approving Fixed to Index REC Conversion [PDF] Order
2020-10-15 Order Adopting Modifications to the Clean Energy Standard [PDF] Order
2020-10-15 Order Approving Build-Ready Program [PDF] Order
2020-09-14 Phase 4 Final Implementation Plan [PDF] Plan
2020-08-13 Order Approving Phase 4 Implementation Plan [PDF] Order
2020-08-10 Petition Regarding Clean Energy Standard Voluntary Conversion of Existing Fixed REC Price Terms to Index REC Price Terms[PDF]Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. Petition
2021-06-22 NYSERDA’s comments on Transmission Planning in Case 20-E-0197 Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.
2020-06-18 White Paper on Clean Energy Standard Procurements to Implement New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act [PDF]Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. & Appendix A: Cost Analysis [PDF]Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. White Paper
2020-06-05 Petition Regarding Clean Energy Resources Development and Incentives "Build-Ready" Program [PDF] Petition
2020-06-01 Renewable Energy Standard Program Impact Evaluation and Clean Energy Standard Triennial Review (Revised September 2020) [PDF] Report
2020-04-17 Phase 4 Implementation Plan [PDF] Plan
2020-01-27 Petition for Competitive Tier 2 Program for Baseline Renewable Generation [PDF] Petition
2020-01-16 Order Modifying Tier 1 Renewable Procurements [PDF] Order
2019-11-14 Order Approving 2020 Clean Energy Standard Administrative Budget [PDF] Order
2019-10-21 Final Zero Emissions Credit Implementation Plan & Appendix[PDF]
Appendix [PDF]
2019-10-2 NYSERDA Comments on Petition Regarding Integration of an Index REC Structure into Tier 1 REC Procurements [PDF] Comments
2019-09-20 Order Approving Zero-Emissions Credit (ZEC) Implementation Plan with Modifications [PDF] Order
2019-07-31 Petition regarding Proposed Yr. 4 Funding and Reconciliation of Yr. 2 Administration Costs [PDF] Petition
2019-06-28 Revision to Zero-Emissions Credit (ZEC) Implementation Plan [PDF] Plan
2019-12-01 Clean Energy Standard Annual Progress Report: 2018 Compliance Year [PDF] Report
2019-03-12 AWEA / ACE NY Petition for an Order Modifying the Clean Energy Standard Tier 1 Procurement Process [PDF] Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. Petition
2019-02-01 Clean Energy Standard Annual Progress Report: 2017 Compliance Year [PDF] Report
2019-01-11 Phase 3 Implementation Plan [PDF] Plan
2018-12-14 Order Approving Phase 3 Implementation Plan [PDF] Order
2018-11-16 Order Approving 2019 Administration Budget [PDF]  Order
2018-08-03 Zero-Emissions Credit (ZEC) Implementation Plan [PDF] Plan
2018-07-30 Phase 3 Implementation Plan Proposal [PDF] Plan
2018-07-30 NYSERDA Petition for CES Administration Funding [PDF] Petition
2018-03-16 Order Approving 2018 Administration Budget [PDF] Order
2018-03-16 Order Adopting Measures for the Retention of Existing Renewable Baseline Resources [PDF] Order
2018-02-22 Order Modifying Compliance Payment [PDF] Order
2017-12-18 Phase 2 Implementation Plan [PDF] Plan
2017-11-17 Order Approving Phase 2 Implementation Plan [PDF] Order
2017-11-01 Petition regarding unspent 2017 Admin Funding and Proposed 2018 Administrative Costs [PDF] Petition
2018-06-01 Revised Biomass Power Guide [PDF] Report
2017-07-14 Order Approving Alternative Protocol for Comparative Emission Test for Biomass Gasification Technologies [PDF] Order
2017-07-14 Order Modifying Compliance Payment [PDF] Order
2017-05-12 Phase 2 Implementation Plan Proposal [PDF] Plan
2017-03-24 Phase 1 Implementation Plan [PDF] Plan
2017-03-09 Order on the Value of Distributed Energy Resources [PDF] Order
2017-02-22 Order Approving Phase I Implementation PlanLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF] Order
2017-02-22 Order Directing Utility Tariff Amendments Implementing LSR/CESLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF] Order
2016-12-15 Order on Petitions for Rehearing  – Commission decision on 17 Petitions filed on various CES issues including eligibility and maintenance of baseline resourcesLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF] Order
2016-11-17 Order Approving Administrative Cost Recovery, Standardized Agreements, and Backstop PrinciplesLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF] Order
2016-11-17 Order Providing Clarification regarding NY-SUN and CST project attributes Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF] Order
2016-11-1 NYSERDA’s Compliance Filing Report – REC Quantity and Price, ACP Price, Procurement ScheduleLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF] Filing
2016-10-31 Phase 1 Implementation Plan ProposalLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF] Plan
2016-10-27 DPS Staff's Report and Recommendations in the Value of Distributed Energy Resources [PDF] Filing
2016-09-30 DPS Staff’s Proposal Regarding Utility TariffsLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF] Filing
2016-08-25 NYSERDA’s Petition for Clarification regarding NY-SUN and CST project attributesLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF] Petition
2016-08-25 NYSERDA’s Petition for Clarification regarding Administrative Cost Recovery, Standardized Agreements, and Backstop Principles Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF] Petition
2016-08-01 Order Adopting a Clean Energy Standard Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF]
Appendices Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. [PDF]