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Board and Committee Meetings and Webcasts


Pursuant to Section 103(2)(f) of the Public Officers Law, New York State agencies and public authorities are required to broadcast meetings subject to the Open Meetings Law via the internet. In accordance with this requirement, NYSERDA will be posting a video of its Board and Committee meetings to the web within a reasonable time after the meeting. If you do not have Windows Media Player, you can download Windows Media Player hereOpens in a new Browser.

Past Meetings

For a complete listing of agendas, minutes, and videos of past NYSERDA Board and Committee meetings see the Board and Committee Meetings Archive page. Each set of Minutes contains a current listing of the Members and Committee Members at the time of the meeting.   

A recording and transcript of the webinars will be posted to this page as soon as practicable.

2024 Meeting Materials

Prior to Board meetings, NYSERDA will post documents (such as proposed resolutions, rules, regulations, policies and amendments thereto) that are scheduled to be the subject of discussion by the Board.

Meeting Date Time Notice /
Materials Minutes Video / Transcript

Special Board Meeting 11-29-2023 10:00 AM Special Board Agenda [PDF]
Special Board Meeting Minutes[PDF]

Special Board Meeting Video Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Special Board Meeting Transcript[PDF]

Audit & Finance Committee 01-24-2024 10:00 AM Audit & Finance Committee Agenda [PDF]   Audit & Finance Committee Minutes  [PDF]

Audit & Finance Committee VideoLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Audit & Finance Committee Transcript [PDF]

Waste & Facilities Management Committee 01-24-2024 11:00 AM Waste & Facilities Management Committee Agenda [PDF]   Waste & Facilities Management Minutes [PDF] 

Waste & Facilities Management Committee VideoLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Waste & Facilities Management Committee Transcript [PDF]

Program Planning Committee 01-24-2024 12:30 PM Program Planning Committee Agenda [PDF]   Program Planning Committee Minutes [PDF] 

Program Planning Committee VideoLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Program Planning Committee Transcript [PDF]

Board Meeting 01-24-2024 1:30 PM Board Meeting Agenda [PDF]   Board Meeting Minutes [PDF]

Board Meeting VideoLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Board Transcript [PDF]

Audit & Finance Committee 04-29-2024 10:00 AM Audit & Finance Committee Agenda [PDF]

Audit & Finance Committee Video Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Audit & Finance Committee Transcript [PDF]

Governance Committee 04-29-2024 11:30 AM Governance Committee Meeting Agenda [PDF]   Governance Committee Meeting Minutes [PDF]

Governance Committee Video Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Governance Committee Transcript [PDF]

Program Planning Committee
04-29-2024 1:00 PM Program Planning Committee Agenda [PDF]
  Program Planning Committee Minutes [PDF]

Program Planning Committee Video Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Program Planning Committee Transcript [PDF]          

Board Meeting
04-29-2024 2:00 PM Board Meeting Agenda [PDF]

Board Meeting Minutes [PDF]

Board Meeting Video Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Board Meeting Transcript [PDF]

Waste & Facilities Management Committee
04-29-2024 10:30 AM Waste & Facilities Management Committee Agenda [PDF]

Waste & Facilities Management Committee Video Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Waste & Facilities Management Committee Transcript [PDF]

Audit & Finance Committee
06-24-2024 Canceled
Waste & Facilities Management Committee
06-24-2024 Canceled        
Governance Committee
06-24-2024 10:30 AM Governance Committee Agenda [PDF]    

Governance Committee Video Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Governance Committee Transcript [PDF]

Program Planning Committee
06-24-2024 11:00 AM Program Planning Committee Agenda [PDF]    

Program Planning Committee Video Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Program Planning Committee Transcript [PDF]

Board Meeting
06-24-2024 12:30 PM Board Meeting Agenda [PDF]  

Board Meeting Video Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.

Board Meeting Transcript [PDF]

Audit & Finance Committee
10-23-2024 10:00 AM    
Governance Committee
10-23-2024 10:30 AM      
Waste & Facilities Management Committee
10-23-2024 11:30 PM        
Program Planning Committee
10-23-2024 12:30 PM      
Board Meeting
10-23-2024 2:00 PM  

Download Schedule as PDF

To print in an alternate format, download the meeting schedule as a PDF file: