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Charge Ready NY 2.0 Bonus Program Overview


Workplace and Multi-unit dwelling (MUD) locations may choose to participate in a bonus program to receive additional incentives of either $4,000 (small locations that install between four (4) and nine (9) ports) or $10,000 (large locations that install ten (10) or more ports). To participate, Equipment Owners will be required to distribute NYSERDA developed marketing information and industry updates on a quarterly basis for a period of one year before being eligible to receive the incentive payment. In addition, Equipment Owners (i.e., incentive recipients) must also complete at least two of the following actions:

1. Ride & Drive

Participate in and/or host one ride-and-drive event or host at least two presentations from car dealers.

A) NYSERDA contractor will coordinate and facilitate ride-and-drives across multiple employers/MUDs in an area if they help promote them for employees/tenants.

2. Electric Vehicle Purchase

Complete group purchase of multiple new electric vehicles for tenants or workplace fleets. Equipment Owners may be eligible for the Drive Clean Rebate of up to $2,000 per vehicle as well as the Federal Tax Credit of up to $7,500 per vehicle depending on the model.

A) This does not include “company cars” provided as benefits to individual employees.

B) At least two (2) purchases for small locations and four (4) purchases for large locations must be made to be eligible for the Bonus Incentive. Purchases of fewer than two (2) vehicles for small locations or four (4) vehicles for large locations will not qualify for the Bonus Incentive.

3. Free On-Site Charging (one year)

To encourage use of charging stations, offer free charging to employees or tenants for at least one year. Bonus Incentive payments will not be made for anything less than one year of free charging.

Bonus Incentive Amounts

The incentives are as follows per site:

  • Small locations: $4,000
  • Large locations: $10,000

See Section 8 for Bonus Incentive application process requirements.

Note: Incentive amounts and the criteria used to determine them are subject to change at NYSERDA’s sole discretion. NYSERDA will provide at least 10 days’ notice to all program participants before new incentive amounts take effect.

The Electrification Coalition (EC) manages the Bonus Outreach for Charge Ready NY 2.0. Below are toolkits the EC team put together as examples of Bonus Program participants.

If you believe your site is eligible for a Bonus Program incentive and would like to pursue this option, please email [email protected].