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New York State Low- to Moderate-Income Census Population Analysis Tool


The New York State Low- to Moderate-Income (LMI) Census Population Analysis tool below makes it easier to access information about the demographic, economic and regional characteristics of New York State’s LMI population. The tool is based upon research conducted in the Low- to Moderate-Income Market Characterization Study that used U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey data for years 2013-2015. Please visit our Evaluation Reports section to view the LMI Study.

To get started:

  1. Select the region of interest to analyze. View data by county, NYS Economic Development Region, or by regional county groupings that contain similar number of LMI households (see glossary [PDF]). 
  2. Apply filter to population(s) of interest. Further refine data by applying filters to the population such as household type, households with children or elderly, LMI population segment income groups, or owner/ renter status. 
  3. Select data to analyze. Identify primary and secondary variables to examine.
  4. Display data. Identify how your data renders.

Exporting images and data:

  • To export an image of the dashboard, use the Download button, at the bottom of the screen, to either export image (.jpg or .png) or PDF
  • To export a formatted data table, first click on the data table and then click Download/Crosstab at the bottom of the screen to get a formatted .CSV file

Underlying data used to create these tables can be found on Open NYLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page..

Questions or issues accessing this data should be directed to [email protected].