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Want to help shape the IEDR? By participating as an active member of the NYSERDA IEDR program, you can stay on top of key energy issues, help inform the development of the IEDR, and learn about upcoming events and resources.

Upcoming Events / Meetings

Utility Coordination Group Meetings:

  • July 23, 2024
  • August 6, 2024
  • August 20, 2024
  • September 3, 2024
  • September 17, 2024

Advisory Group Meetings:

Tier 1 – July 25, 2024

Tier 2 – TBA and held in concert with the Phase 2 use case development roadmap

Steering Committee Meetings:

  • July 26, 2024
  • August 30, 2024
  • September 27, 2024

Past Events / Meetings


January 9, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG, the IEDR Program Team provided updates on the status of the Data Sharing Agreement (DSA), platform releases, and utility data milestones. Time was reserved for the discussion of potential future Joint Utilities (JU) presentation topics and open Q&A.

January 23, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG, the IEDR Program Team provided updates on platform releases, utility data milestones, Phase 1 data gaps, and customer data transfer deposits. The customer consent user flow summary was also reviewed, and time was reserved for the discussion of potential future JU presentation topics and open Q&A.

February 6, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG, the IEDR Program Team provided updates on platform releases, utility data milestones, SSO integration, Rate Plan data, and ongoing customer data deposits. The data validation playbook, including criteria for data quality review, was also introduced and discussed. Time was reserved for the discussion of potential future JU presentation topics and open Q&A.

February 20, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG, the IEDR Program Team provided updates on platform releases, utility data milestones, SSO integration, and ongoing customer data deposits. Rate Plan data, including feedback that requires utility input and the data ingest and reporting timeline was discussed. A demo of MVP use cases was performed and the V003 customer data transfer specification was also reviewed. Time was reserved for the discussion of potential future JU presentation topics and open Q&A.

March 5, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG, the IEDR Program Team provided updates on platform releases, utility data milestones, SSO integration, and ongoing data deposits and processing. Rate Plan data expectations regarding the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) were also discussed. Time was reserved for the discussion of potential future JU presentation topics and open Q&A.

March 19, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG, the IEDR Program Team provided updates on Phase 1 data gaps and discussed an FAQ resource for utilities and other stakeholders. Time was reserved for the discussion of potential future JU presentation topics and open Q&A.

April 2, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the IEDR Program Team reviewed upcoming platform releases and utility data related milestones. Summer and winter loading layers in hosting capacity electrification maps were reviewed by Con Edison, and the IEDR Development Team discussed charges and credits data (e.g., HEAP in rate plan data). Additional time was reserved for open discussion and Q&A.

April 11, 2024 | Advisory Group Meeting (T1)

During this inaugural Phase 2 AG meeting, the IEDR Program Team reviewed the purpose of the renewed AG structure and the expectations for AG Tier 1 and Tier 2 roles. Phase 1 accomplishments and Phase 2 objectives, roadmap, stakeholder meetings, and strategic priorities were also reviewed. Tier 1 AG members introduced themselves to the broader group, engaged in smaller breakout groups, and participated in an open Q&A session.

April 16, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the IEDR Program Team addressed the upcoming IEDR development schedule and discussed logging tickets for support when discrepancies in data were found within the IEDR. Additional time was reserved for open discussion and Q&A.

April 26, 2024 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee meeting, the IEDR Program team reviewed programmatic updates, action item statuses, and progress within program milestone timelines. Including discussion on YouTube demos, Green Button Connect, and Grid of the Future. Additional time was reserved for open discussion and Q&A.

April 30, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the IEDR Program Team reviewed the rate plan data schedule and set joint working session dates. Additional time was reserved for open discussion and Q&A.

May 17, 2024 | General Stakeholder Event

The IEDR Program Team reviewed Phase 1 progress and conducted a demo of the current state of the platform, which included a review of IEDR tools and the Ideas Portal. The status of Phase 2 progress was also reviewed and a live Q&A session was held.

View Slide Deck [PDF]

May 28, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the IEDR Program Team reviewed progress towards improved tracking of data deposits and quality assurance. Discussion items that were proposed by the JU, including customer authentication process for 3rd party requests, upcoming rate plan workshops, and request for more visibility into data status beyond utility data deposits were also reviewed. Additional time was reserved for open discussion and Q&A.

May 31, 2024 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee meeting, the IEDR Program team reviewed programmatic updates, action item statuses, and progress within program milestone timelines. Including discussion on the Advisory Group, discovery efforts, Green Button Connect, and Grid of the Future. Additional time was reserved for open discussion and Q&A.

June 11, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the IEDR Program Team reviewed IEDR platform use metrics, discussion items that were proposed by the JU, including rate plan deliverables and the feasibility of utilizing APIs for pulling hosting capacity data from utility sites. The rate plan data deposit email list was also discussed, and additional time was reserved for open discussion and Q&A.

June 25, 2024 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the IEDR Program Team provided updates on Development Team activities, such as use case discovery, data quality assurance and reporting, production Green Button Connect (GBC), and rate plan V003 specification development. Additional time was reserved for open discussion and Q&A.

June 28, 2024 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee meeting, the IEDR Program team reviewed programmatic updates, action item statuses, and progress within program milestone timelines. Including discussion on the Advisory Group, Green Button Connect testing, and a potential State policy working group. Additional time was reserved for open discussion and Q&A.

Q2 2024 | Advisory Group Meetings (T2)

  • Accessible DER Interconnection (Hosting Capacity) Information | May 2024
  • Determine Customer Site Hosting Capacity | May 2024
  • Rate Plan Data | May 2024
  • Accelerated DER Siting | June 2023 
  • Rate Plan Data | July 2024


December 19, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the IEDR Program Team provided updates on releases, release related dependencies, and utility related milestones, and a plan for addressing data gaps within the IEDR platform was reviewed and discussed. Rate plans including the challenges with rate plan data was also discussed.

December 15, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee meeting the Program Team performed a walk-through of MVP features and functionality and determined the path forward to launch the MVP.

December 5, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG, the IEDR Program Team provided updates on platform releases and the related utility data milestones and their dependencies through December 2023. Issues surrounding customer data sharing consent authorization and network data disclaimers were also discussed.

December 1, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee meeting the Program Team reviewed programmatic updates, progress towards milestones, actions needed for MVP completion, and the Phase 1 Status and Summary Report. Updates on customer data transfer and IEDR filings were also discussed.

November 21, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

This UCG meeting was cancelled to facilitate additional review time and asynchronous collaboration.

November 7, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG, the IEDR Program Team provided updates on customer data transfer specifications, platform releases, and the related utility data milestones and their dependencies.

October 27, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee Meeting the Program Team reviewed programmatic updates, progress towards milestones, the latest IEDR Order and filings, and the tier 2 Advisory Group.

October 26, 2023 | Tier 2 Advisory Group Meeting

During this tier 2 Advisory Group meeting, the Program Team reviewed the Electronic Infrastructure Assessment Tool features within the IEDR and received feedback from attendees on the user experience and general functionality of the features.

October 24, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting the Program Team reviewed the latest IEDR Order, customer data transfer expectations, the 10/19 rate plan AG session, and the milestones summary.

October 19, 2023 | Tier 2 Advisory Group Meeting

During this tier 2 Advisory Group meeting, the Program Team reviewed rate plan features within the IEDR and received feedback from attendees on the user experience and general functionality of the features.

October 10, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting the Program Team reviewed programmatic updates, progress towards milestones, and data delivery cadence and dependencies.

September 29, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee Meeting the Program Team reviewed programmatic updates, progress towards milestones, the status of the platform, proposed IEDR customer consent process and contractual relationships for IEDR users.

September 26, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the Program Team provided status updates on utility milestones, reviewed proposed data delivery cadence and dependencies, and discussed the transmission headroom and transmission node use case. Con Edison also presented their customer data masking strategies.

September 12, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the Program Team provided status updates on the utility milestone report, customer data transfer specification redline comments, and utility data dependencies for upcoming releases.

August 29, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the IEDR Program Team provided an update on utility milestones and reviewed user stories for new use cases and data sets to enhance the IEDR MVP.

August 25, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee Meeting the Program Team reviewed programmatic updates, progress towards milestones, ESE registration, user filing agreements, and updates to the Advisory Group.

August 15, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the IEDR Program Team provided an update on utility milestones and discussed transmission data, including transmission headroom filing formats and CEII transmission line layer considerations.

August 1, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, the IEDR Program Team provided an update on utility milestones, discussed the roll-out timing of SSO implementation as requested by the Joint Utilities, and reviewed the asynchronous tariff data joint working session approach.

July 28, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee Meeting the Program Team reviewed programmatic updates, progress towards milestones, data sharing agreements, user filing agreements, DAF status, and alternatives to MVP scope.

July 18, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, Program status updates were provided on the customer data limited data sharing agreement, feature releases 1.4 and 1.5, updated utility milestones, and the process for review of received versus expected data were also reviewed and discussed.

July 6, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, Program status updates were provided on a draft approach to development milestone tracking and collaboration improvement suggestions from the Joint Utilities. Additionally, the UCG lead role transition and the tariff data transfer specification were also reviewed and discussed.

June 30, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee Meeting, the Program Team provided an overview of programmatic updates by workstream and progress towards milestone timelines. Status updates and discussion surrounding data sharing agreements, user agreement filing, and the DAF also took place. Additionally, customer acquisition, customer data use cases, and the current and future state of the Advisory Group were also reviewed and discussed.

June 20, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, Program status updates were provided on utility data deposit tracking and customer data milestones. Utilities also discussed options for deeper and more collaborative communication strategies among the Joint Utilities and the Development Team. National Grid also presented analysis on Low-to-Moderate Income, Disadvantaged Communities, and energy equity market considerations.

June 8, 2023 | Advisory Group Meeting

During this AG meeting, the Development Team provided Program status updates and performed a demo of IEDR platform features. Program status updates included a review of user engagement metrics since the launch of the IPV, and review of the Disadvantaged Communities parcel filter platform feature that was released in June 2023.

June 6, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, Program status updates were provided on Phase 1 data transfer milestones, epics, and releases, and data transfer specifications. The utility customer user journey and abilities were also discussed and a working session to align on next steps and strategy with the utilities was conducted.

June 2, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee Meeting, the Program Team provided an overview of programmatic updates by workstream and progress towards milestone timelines. Additionally, SSO, data sharing agreements, the DAF, data resource coordination, the IEDR domain transition, and the Advisory Group were reviewed and discussed.

May 23, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, Program status updates were provided on the utility data transfer milestone roadmap, individual utility milestone development, and utility data deposit progress. The group also continued the benchmarking working session and established next steps.

May 9, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, Program status updates were provided on the utility data transfer milestone roadmap, individual utility milestone development, data dictionary, customer data mapping template, and the plan for ESE registration. Con Edison also conducted a working session on “Aggregated Energy Consumption Data Use Cases: Energy Efficiency Benchmarking, Local Laws and Utility Energy Registry."

April 28, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this Steering Committee Meeting, the Program Team provided an overview of programmatic updates by workstream and progress towards milestone timelines. The Phase 2 Proposal, current data sharing agreements and roadblocks, and the status of the DAF were also reviewed and discussed.

April 25, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, Program status updates were provided on the utility data transfer milestone roadmap, data dictionary, and data specification housekeeping. Feedback from the Joint Utilities and an update on User Acceptance Testing were also reviewed. A working session on DER interconnection (application) status alignment with the Distributed Generation Ombudsman group and a customer user flow presentation were also conducted.

April 11, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting, Program status updates were provided on Development Team progress, utility data transfers, and data dictionary updates. A recap of the IPV release was also provided and the MVP Development roadmap was shared.

April 4, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this meeting the preparation of Phase 2 utility budgets were discussed at length.

March 31, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

During this meeting approval and launch of the IPV, Phase 1 status summary report, Phase 2 proposal, and data sharing agreements were discussed.

March 28, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting program status updates were provided on utility data transfers, Development Team progress, and file naming conventions. The latest MVP development road map was also shared with the group and discussed.

March 21, 2023 | Advisory Group Meeting

During this AG meeting Phase 2 use case and data visions, final results of the Phase 2 Use Case Prioritization Survey, and the survey related implications of use case development prioritization were discussed.

March 14, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting program status updates were provided on utility data transfers, development team progress, IEDR data requirements tracker, and the IPV release were discussed.

March 7, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group

This UCG meeting focused on two subjects: a review of ConEd’s and O&R’s DER Siting project, and Phase 1 network data deep dives. During the Phase 1 network data deep dives the Program Team finished introducing the MVP network data request and strategy.

February 28, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this UCG meeting program status updates were provided on utility data transfers and Development Team progress. Phase 2 utility budget reminders, Phase 1 network data deep dives, and Con Ed’s and O&R’s DER siting project were also discussed.

February 24, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this Steering Committee Meeting, program updates were provided on Phase 1 and Phase 2 core and non-core costs, the development of the Phase 2 roadmap, cyber protections, and utility budget estimates. A demo of the in-development IEDR was also performed.

February 21, 2023 | Advisory Group Meeting

During this AG meeting updates on the Phase 2 proposal and IPV roadmap status were discussed, and a demo of the user facing functionality from the nearest release of the IPV was conducted.

February 14, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

Program status updates were provided on utility data transfers and Development Team progress. The customer data transfer specification was also discussed.

February 9 , 2023 | General Stakeholder Event

Phase 1 project milestones, the current station of program development, and Phase 2 background and context were discussed. Through discussion and polling exercises, background and results of the Phase 2 Use Case Prioritization Survey were reviewed; timeline considerations for high priority use cases were also reviewed.

January 31, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

Program status updates were provided on utility data transfers and Development Team progress. The Phase 1 use case deep dive strategy, including data specifications, and the existing DAC data resources and potential for analysis were also discussed.

January 31, 2023 | Advisory Group Meeting

Program status updates were provided on anticipated comments on the JU petition, Phase 2 efforts to date, IPV roadmap status, and a demo of IDER user facing functionality was conducted.

January 27, 2023 | Steering Committee Meeting

Program status updates were provided on current workstream and milestone progress. Key takeaways from the UCG in-person meeting on January 20, 2023, current status of the program’s response to the JU petition, IEDR related legal issues, Phase 2 proposal and survey responses, and the upcoming Cultivating a User Base Pathfinder Event were also discussed.

January 20, 2023 | In-person Utility Coordination Group Meeting

During this day-long event, status updates and discussion surrounding IEDR Phase 1 and Phase 2 utility data flows and use cases enabled were discussed, which included network data and rate and tariff data, and customer data. Utility use cases, DAF, and UCG retrospectives were also discussed.

January 17, 2023 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

Program status updates were provided on data deep dive sessions, utility data transfers, and Development Team progress. Phase 2 utility budget timeline and resources was also discussed.


December 20, 2022 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

Program status updates were provided on data deep dive sessions, utility data transfers, and Development Team progress. Phase 2 utility budget materials and AMI appendix data were also discussed.

December 2, 2022 | Steering Committee Meeting

This meeting reviewed the Phase 1 Product Roadmap, Phase 2 Proposal, DAF/IEDR interdependencies, and provided an update on the Pathfinder Event.

November 22, 2022 | Bi-weekly Utility Coordination Group Meeting

This meeting reviewed the data transfer milestones for the IPV Roadmap, tariff and rate data for the IPV scope, and provided an update on utility data transfer.

November 8, 2022 | Bi-weekly Utility Coordination Group Meeting

This meeting introduced the Phase 2 Program Proposal, recapped the geospatial data deep dives, and reviewed DER data and data transfer milestones for the IPV Roadmap.

October 20, 2022 | Advisory Group Meeting

This meeting facilitated discussion surrounding the development of Initial Public Version key performance indicators and the roll-out’s engagement strategy.

September 22, 2022 | Advisory Group Meeting

This meeting allowed for the collection of additional input on user functional roles for relevant use cases and additional considerations to guide further development. Feedback will help us to further understand user archetypes to inform Phase 1 system considerations based on user goals and motivations.

August 18, 2022 | Advisory Group Meeting

This meeting facilitated public engagement among topics such as use case development, the prioritization approach, and proposed procurement strategy.

July 21, 2022 | Advisory Group Meeting

This meeting facilitated engagement and ideas surrounding framework development and discussion of future user engagement.

June 16, 2022 | 3-3:45pm EST | Initial Public Version (IPV) Use Case Review

Session provided an opportunity to review draft wireframes for the IEDR Initial Public Version and share meaningful feedback that will influence future development.

May 19, 2022 | 3-4pm EST | Advisory Group Meeting

This 60-minute session was an opportunity to review initial IPV wireframes and review use case development strategy and framework.

May 9, 2022 | 2-3pm EST | Utility Coordination Group

An opportunity to discuss the Data Transfer plan and approach for Sample Dummy Data.

May 4, 2022 | 2-3:30pm EST | IEDR Use Case Deep Dive Workshop: Rate/Tariff Data

This ~90 minute session provided an opportunity for small groups to discuss specifics about the Rate/Tariff Data user journey including current processes, pain points, and IEDR requirements.

April 21, 2022 | 3-4:30pm EST | Advisory Group Meeting

This 60-minute session will be an opportunity to review use case recommendation survey results, discuss potential IPV and MVP additions, and align on use case development.

View the public meeting notes [DOCX].

April 12, 2022 | 12-3pm EST | IEDR Development Team RFP Matchmaking Session

This ~3 hour session was an opportunity to allow RFP respondents to showcase their organization and capabilities, and provided the opportunity for interested bidders to explore effective teaming arrangements. To review event materials, please visit our solicitation page.

April 6, 2022  | 12-1:30pm EST | IEDR Development Team RFP Bidder’s Conference

This 90-minute session provided an opportunity to review the contract structure, discuss the evaluation criteria, and most importantly answer any stakeholder questions. To review event materials, please visit our solicitation page.

March 31, 2022 | 9am-12pm EST | IEDR Use Case Deep Dive Workshop: Community-Solar Siting

This ~3 hour session provided an opportunity for small groups to discuss specifics about the solar siting user journey including current processes, pain points, and IEDR requirements

March 17, 2022 | 3-4:30pm EST | Advisory Group Meeting

This 90-minute session provided an opportunity to review recommended use cases for Initial Public Version (IPV) and Minimum Viable Product (MVP), key takeaways, and additional analysis.

View meeting notes [DOCX]

March 9, 2022 | 3-4pm EST | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

An opportunity to discuss key considerations from Utility Data Requirements (UDR) responses and align on IPV/MVP use cases.

Feb 17, 2022 | 3-4:30pm EST | Advisory Group Meeting

The event was an opportunity for the program team to discuss customer consent policy and design considerations, emissions factors and other specific topics to inform the prioritization of the use cases for the IEDR.

Feb 17, 2022 Advisory Group Meeting Meeting Notes [DOCX]

Feb 14, 2022 | 3-4pm EST | Utility Coordination Group

The meeting provided an update on IEDR progress and next steps, and allowed utilities to discuss any questions on the UDR notification with the program team.

Jan 20, 2022 | 3-3:30pm EST | Advisory Group Meeting

Session to explore use case findings, pathfinder panel insights, and RFI/RFP development.

Click here for meeting notes [DOCX]

Session to explore use case findings, pathfinder panel insights, and RFI/RFP development.

Click here for meeting notes [DOCX]

Jan 10, 2022 | 2-3:30pm EST | Utility Coordination Group

Session to discuss UDR notification development and future UCG engagement and activities.

Nov 1, 2021 | 2-2:30pm EST | Utility Coordination Group

Session to discuss preliminary use cases, DAF / IEDR Coordination, and Utility Data Assessment development.

Dec 16, 2021 | 3-3:30pm EST | Advisory Group Meeting

Session explored use case prioritization framework and discussed key insights on use cases.

Click here for meeting notes [DOCX]

Nov 15, 2021 | 3-5pm EST | Stakeholder Engagement Meeting

This meeting aimed to create a shared understanding of use cases and the use case prioritization framework, as well as provide an overview of what has been collected to date. You can review the meeting slide deck here [PDF].

Nov 18, 2021 | 3-4pm EST | Advisory Group Meeting

Session to enable appointed members of diverse stakeholder groups to meet together, discuss and collaborate so as to be able to timely provide informed commentary and guidance to the Program Sponsor and Steering Committee. Session topic: use cases and prioritization framework.

Click here for meeting notes [DOCX]

Oct 15, 2021 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

A collaborative session to provide oversight of utility activities related to the design and implementation of the IEDR and alignment with the schedules and activities of the Data Access Framework proceeding (DAF).

Oct 21, 2021 | Advisory Group Meeting

Session to enable members of diverse stakeholder groups to meet together, discuss and collaborate so as to be able to timely provide informed commentary and guidance to the Program Sponsor and Steering Committee.


Nov 1, 2021 | 2-2:30pm EST | Utility Coordination Group

Session to discuss preliminary use cases, DAF / IEDR Coordination, and Utility Data Assessment development.

Dec 16, 2021 | 3-3:30pm EST | Advisory Group Meeting

Session explored use case prioritization framework and discussed key insights on use cases.

Click here for meeting notes [DOCX]

Nov 15, 2021 | 3-5pm EST | Stakeholder Engagement Meeting

This meeting aimed to create a shared understanding of use cases and the use case prioritization framework, as well as provide an overview of what has been collected to date. You can review the meeting slide deck here [PDF].

Nov 18, 2021 | 3-4pm EST | Advisory Group Meeting

Session to enable appointed members of diverse stakeholder groups to meet together, discuss and collaborate so as to be able to timely provide informed commentary and guidance to the Program Sponsor and Steering Committee. Session topic: use cases and prioritization framework.

Click here for meeting notes [DOCX]

Oct 15, 2021 | Utility Coordination Group Meeting

A collaborative session to provide oversight of utility activities related to the design and implementation of the IEDR and alignment with the schedules and activities of the Data Access Framework proceeding (DAF).

Oct 21, 2021 | Advisory Group Meeting

Session to enable members of diverse stakeholder groups to meet together, discuss and collaborate so as to be able to timely provide informed commentary and guidance to the Program Sponsor and Steering Committee.