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Regional Collaboration

Collaborating with Atlantic states and the federal government.

With its central location among the U.S. northeastern and mid-Atlantic states and the largest commitment to offshore wind in the nation, New York plays a leadership role in developing and cultivating this new industry for the region. Through interstate coalitions, the offshore wind Technical Working Groups, and a new regional science body, states are taking steps to share information, identify cross-boundary stakeholder considerations, and conduct research to ensure a coordinated, proactive approach to offshore wind development.

A Regional Perspective

Harnessing a Strong Resource

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. offshore wind has a technical resource potential of 2,000 gigawatts of capacity Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.. Analyses show that the average wind speeds off the northeastern and mid-Atlantic coast provide tremendous generation potential. New York is eager to take advantage of this plentiful resource to transition away from conventional generators that emit harmful greenhouse gases and work toward clean, renewable generation sources, such as offshore wind.

More Resources:

State Policies Drive Action

New York is not alone in promoting policies to drive the growth of the offshore wind industry. States along the Atlantic coast are setting ambitious goals for offshore wind procurement in order to advance a clean energy future.

For the latest news about offshore development in other Atlantic states, visit these webpages:

Coalitions Promote Progress

To help accelerate the responsible growth of offshore wind in the U.S., national and regional nonprofits are working to collaborate across federal and state boundaries, facilitate discussions between the global industry and local supply chains, host events, aggregate industry news, advertise job opportunities, and conduct research to bridge knowledge gaps and reduce technology costs and market barriers.

Where Can Offshore Wind Be Built?

Atlantic states are working hard to develop offshore wind as a large-scale, clean generation source for our electricity grids, but who decides where offshore wind projects can be built?

The federal government is responsible for determining which areas of the ocean are suitable for offshore wind development and for permitting offshore wind projects within these areas. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) within the U.S. Department of Interior is responsible for these activities.

Learn More About Offshore Wind Development

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