Advanced Nuclear Energy
Evaluating Emission-Free Technologies for New York’s Energy Future
Achieving New York State’s ambitious climate goals while ensuring economic growth and a reliable and affordable energy system requires consideration for a variety of zero-emission energy technologies. Analysis from the Climate Action Council shows that New York State will need approximately 20 gigawatts of dispatchable clean power alongside solar and wind energy resources to fully decarbonize the electricity system by 2050. Several technologies are being considered to meet this need, including long-duration energy storage, hydrogen, alternative fuels, and advanced nuclear.
Master Plan for Responsible Advanced Nuclear Development in New York
On January 14, 2025, Governor Hochul announced the start of a process to develop a Master Plan for Responsible Advanced Nuclear Development in New York. NYSERDA, working with the Department of Public Service and other State Agencies, leads on the development of the Master Plan. As a first step, NYSERDA published a Blueprint for Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies [PDF] that sets out the scope of issues to be considered throughout the Master Plan process.
The development of the Master Plan will provide a framework for in-depth examination with stakeholders into the key issues raised by the Blueprint to develop recommendations for implementation of advanced nuclear technologies in New York State. The Master Plan development process is expected to conclude with publication by the end of 2026.
As part of this process, New York will also help lead a multi-state initiative on nuclear energy focused on driving down costs and risk-sharing.
Questions or requests for additional information can be sent to [email protected].
This page will be updated with information about the Master Plan development process as it becomes available.
Advanced Nuclear Request for Information
To better understand the potential landscape of nuclear project development in New York, NYSERDA has issued an ongoing Request for Information (Nuclear RFI ) soliciting from entities that are either already pursuing, or interested in pursuing, a potential role in advanced nuclear energy technology development in New York. The RFI is intended to help to support consideration of any next steps New York State may take in this regard. Potential respondents include stakeholders interested in advanced nuclear solutions to serve their energy needs, supply chain entities, (potential) host communities, workforce entities, project developers, financing/funding entities, and those working on research and development.
Future Energy Economy Summit
The Future Energy Economy Summit, held in September 2024, convened New York State government, global and federal leaders, power producers, technical experts, and other key stakeholders to discuss the role of next generation clean energy technologies to accelerate renewable energy deployment while supporting economic development.
The Summit included discussion of advanced nuclear technologies as a potential opportunity for zero-emission electricity that would complement New York’s continued buildout of renewable energy resources. Advanced nuclear options have features that aim to improve on current operating reactors, including improvements in safety features, modular construction, and versatility in operation.
At the Future Energy Economy Summit, NYSERDA published a draft version of the abovementioned Blueprint and invited stakeholder comments. Stakeholder comments on the draft Blueprint offered both robust technical input as well as a broad spectrum of positions on the future development of advanced nuclear energy in New York. Comments have been considered and are reflected in the form of updates, corrections, and expansion of the discussion of issues in the Blueprint for Consideration of Advanced Nuclear published in January 2025. Comments will also inform the ongoing Master Plan process discussed above.
Statewide Nuclear Coordination and National Liaison Activities
Section 7-101 of NYS Energy Law requires NYSERDA to coordinate State programs affecting atomic energy activities; to advise and assist the Governor and Legislature with regard to such programs; and to make recommendations to the Governor designed to assure that these programs encourage the development and use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes, while protecting the interest, health, and safety of the public. Further, NYSERDA is required to correlate New York State atomic energy programs to those of the federal government and other states.
Within New York State, NYSERDA regularly coordinates with the NYS Departments of Public Service, Environmental Conservation, State, Health, and the NYS Offices of Emergency Management, Counter Terrorism, and the Attorney General.
At the federal level to fulfill statutory requirements, NYSERDA’s President serves as the Governor’s designated State Liaison Officer (SLO) to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), representing the primary communication channel between the State and the NRC. All 50 states have a designated SLO. NYSERDA also regularly liaises with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Engagement with other states occurs through the NRC SLO role and through the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO). For advanced nuclear, NYSERDA co-chairs two NASEO nuclear initiatives:
- In 2023, NASEO partnered with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), to form the NASEO-NARUC Advanced Nuclear State Collaborative (ANSC)
with 32 member states. The ANSC convenes state officials to exchange information related to the planning and deployment of new advanced nuclear generation.
- In 2025, NASEO partnered with the U.S. DOE’s Gateway for Accelerated Innovation (GAIN) to form a multi-state initiative on nuclear energy focused on risk-sharing, driving down costs, and accelerating market adoption. It will include a group of eight to 10 states along with key private sector partners, DOE, and Idaho National Laboratory. The Initiative will launch in February 2025 and its primary purpose is to facilitate public-private partnerships for advanced nuclear market adoption leading to a reduction in financial and technology risks; supportive deployment policies; stronger knowledge of supply chain needs; streamlined permitting processes; coordinated procurement agreements; and new financing structures.
Related Programs
- Economic Development: NYSERDA is supporting clean technology and manufacturing companies in New York to help drive economic development in communities statewide, by investing in clean energy infrastructure and securing development-ready sites.
- Research & Development: NYSERDA is playing an active role to further research on a wide variety of nuclear power applications, such as reactor technology development and demonstration, fuel extraction, materials testing, and fleet efficiency, by leveraging New York State's extensive, high-quality energy research ecosystem.
- Radioactive Waste Policy and Reporting: NYSERDA monitors generation and management of low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) in New York pursuant to the New York State Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act (Chapter 673 of the Laws of 1986). Pursuant to that Act, NYSERDA collects annual reports from facilities in New York that produce, store, or dispose of LLRW and prepares an annual status report submitted to the Governor and legislative leaders.
- Zero by 2040 Target
: Under its proceeding CASE 15-E-0302 (Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to Implement a Large-Scale Renewable Program and a Clean Energy Standard), the Public Service Commission and Staff at the Department of Public Service are considering aspects related to New York’s target of zero emissions in the electricity sector by 2040, as set out in the Climate Act. NYSERDA is supporting this effort through ongoing techno-economic studies on the range of possible zero emission generation technologies, including nuclear energy.